How To Connect With Angels

Abbott Handerson Thayer, Angel, Smithsonian American Art Museum “Those who are exploring their creativity in the world are ultimately exploring their relationship with all that is sacred.” - Gia Combs-Ramirez Despite popular belief, connecting with angels is not complex and can be done by anyone. For this reason, I have compiled a list of ways to build a relationship with the divine that is powerful, easy, and safe for individuals on every step of their path. Prayer: The definition of a prayer is "a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship." Keeping this in mind, it becomes evident that praying is quite casual and can be done anywhere- it is not confined to the pews of a church or the side of a bed. With that being said , the act of praying can be broken into two parts, ( 1) addressing the divine and (2) requesting help or expressing gratitude. Furthermore, you d...