
Showing posts from September, 2022

Heavenly Hierarchies

      "Angels are the pattern through which divine power flows in order to manifest in all forms of creation." -Josephine Mccarthy       Each angel has a fascinating story and unique appearance that I am excited to share with you!       I refer to the hierarchy of angels most commonly seen when studying Angelology but there are infinite descriptions and orders of angels you might feel more aligned with so feel free to look into those.      In the Hierarchy, there are nine orders of angels all placed into three separate groups called the  highest order, middle order, and lowest order. Based on the names, it might seem as if one angel is more important than the other however they are actually separated based on their proximity to the heavenly realms; with the highest order being closest to God, the middle order existing between realms, and the lowest order working closest to Earth.  Highest Order: Seraphi...

Angels + You

    Vernet, Horace, Angel of death, 1851     "The angel personifies something new arising from the deep unconscious" -Carl Jung      The first question I am always asked after sharing my story is , " How? "  How do you know you aren't going crazy? How do you know Angels are real?"  The answer is, you don't. Well, you do. Just not when relying on faith alone.       As a human you are given the gift of choice. You are allowed to believe in and become whatever you please, which sometimes creates confusion. With infinite options and influences, it can feel impossible to decide what you truly desire. Thus, before working with angels one must  know thyself.     Perhaps this seems like a daunting task, but luckily there are hundreds of resources available. In fact, the path to self discovery is pathed with online quizzes, articles, and opinions waiting to be utilized. Although if you're looking for a psycholog...