Heavenly Hierarchies

"Angels are the pattern through which divine power flows in order to manifest in all forms of creation." -Josephine Mccarthy
Each angel has a fascinating story and unique appearance that I am excited to share with you!
I refer to the hierarchy of angels most commonly seen when studying Angelology but there are infinite descriptions and orders of angels you might feel more aligned with so feel free to look into those.
In the Hierarchy, there are nine orders of angels all placed into three separate groups called the highest order, middle order, and lowest order. Based on the names, it might seem as if one angel is more important than the other however they are actually separated based on their proximity to the heavenly realms; with the highest order being closest to God, the middle order existing between realms, and the lowest order working closest to Earth.
Highest Order:
Seraphim- Plural of Seraph which means "to burn" or "burning ones" in ancient Hebrew
Seraphim are described as beings surrounded by fire with multiple wings and eyes that fly above God's throne. Their main purpose is to sing praises and watch over Heaven to ensure that even the divine do not become tainted. Additionally, these heavenly creatures are often recognized for the meme "Be not Afraid" because they were said to look so terrifying humans could not comprehend them and evil entities would cower in fear before them. As a result, these angels are associated with purification, protection, light, fire, and love.
Cherubim- Plural of the word Cherub which means "to bless" or "to pray" in Hebrew
Cherubim are described as creatures with multiple heads, one of which represents man while the rest represent the animal kingdom. Additionally, these creatures have multiple wings that cover their feet, body, and heads. The main purpose of these angels is to fly in close proximity to the throne acting as guardians of God. Additionally, the Cherubim were said to fly down to Earth to guard humans from corruption and unholiness. Because of this, these angels are associated with humanity, mercy, compassion and forgiveness.
Ophanim (also known as Thrones)- Ophanim is the plural of the word Ophan which means "wheels" in ancient Hebrew
Ophanim or Thrones are described as wheels of fire containing thousands of eyes that exist at the bottom of God's throne. Additionally, they are said to be on the divine council offering wisdom to God and sometimes come down to Earth to grant humans the same knowledge. As a result, these angels are associated with harmony, peace, and mercy.
Middle Order:
Dominions- Dominion is derived from the word Dominatio which means "lordship" or "rule" in Latin
Dominions are described as human like beings with giant feathery wings often seen carrying a staff and wearing a crown. The main purpose of these angels is to keep the Divine Order therefore they give commands to other angels, watch over the cosmos, and communicate with Earth's leaders to discuss ideas. Because of this, these angels are associated with order, truth, mercy and justice.
Virtues- Plural of the word Virtue which means "moral perfection" in Latin
Virtues are described as sparks of light in the heavenly realms although they tend to take the physical form of a "classic" angel when on Earth. The main purpose of the Virtues is to control the elements, analyze the motion of celestial bodies, and grant miracles to humans. As a result, these angels are associated with courage, inspiration, miracles, and grace.
Powers (also known as Authorities)- their names are self explanatory
Powers or Authorities are often depicted as human-like beings wearing armor and carrying weaponry. The main purpose of the Powers is to act as warriors fighting against evil forces. Additionally, these angels are assigned to guard the pathway between Heaven and Earth ensuring that lost souls find their way home. As a result, these angels are associated with death, rebirth, bravery and strength.
Lowest Order:
Principalities- Plural of the word principality which means "magistrate" or "rule" in Greek
Principalities are described similarly in appearance to dominions meaning they have large wings, wear crowns, and carry a staff with them. These angels are said to watch over provinces, nations, and sacred sites. Additionally, they govern and protect religion on Earth. Because of this, principalities are associated with humanity, faith, wisdom, and compassion.
Archangels- Derived from the greek term archangelos meaning "eminent messenger"
Archangels are perhaps the most recognized angels out of the hierarchy because they are each listed by name and given detailed descriptions. These angels are said to be the spiritual liaisons between God and humankind and must operate on multiple levels at once to fulfill divine will. Archangels take the role of messengers, healers, warriors, and guides. As a result, each Archangel represents a very specific purpose (which will be discussed in greater detail on my next blog post😇).
Guardian Angels- their names are self explanatory
Guardian angels were sent to Earth to look after all aspects of creation and offer their assistance. Every. Single. Human. has a guardian angel whether they want to or not. Because of this, these angels all have different names and unique appearances. Additionally, the purpose of the Guardian Angel is to help humans with whatever they may need, however; they also view free will as sacred and do not assist those that choose to ignore their existence. As a result, these angels are associated with freedom, beauty, comfort, support, and unconditional love.
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