What Are Angels and Why Should You Care?

    Before answering these questions, I would like to preface by saying I am consciously aware that when seeing the word "angels" many of one's own preconceived opinions may rise to the surface, therefore it is imperative you enter this blog with an open mind. 

What Are Angels?

     "The Angel is a profound mystery, as deep as the mystery of the soul, as limitless as the mystery of infinity and eternity. Via the angel we glimpse the unknown and we are encouraged to press on."        

-Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Ph.D.



    Angels exist as their own beings that many different religions and mythologies have attempted to understand leading to endless interpretations one may dissect. The word Angel originates from the greek Angelos which means "messenger" and is the late translation of the Hebrew word "mal'akh." (Webster, 1828)  Additionally, the most common interpretation of angels across belief systems seems to be that they are beings with magical abilities whose purpose is to serve their creator as well as mankind. (Hebrews 1:14, Fatir 35:1) Taking this into account, one is left to wonder what these divine creatures could possibly look like. 

     The appearance of angels is constantly changing across ideologies and texts. In Abrahamic religions, angels are described in many ways such as wheels of fire, creatures with multiple faces, or beings with no physical form at all. In contrast, Christianity and art often portray angels as human like beings with halos and large white wings. With so many different depictions, it is easy to feel intimidated or confused by their presence. However, ultimately angels tend to appear to individuals in whatever way they feel most comfortable perceiving them as. Lastly, the look of these beings is much less significant than what they are capable of.

Why Should You Care?

    My intention is not to convince you that angels exist, but rather to provide you with my own knowledge and experiences so that you may decide for yourself. As previously mentioned, angels are usually seen as magical beings who's purpose is to serve their creator. To further connect with them, it is up to the individual to decide who "creator" is: Lord, Yahweh, Allah, Universe, Spirit, whatever your heart desires; but I choose to call them God. 

     I wish I had an incredible explanation- a miracle to share with you as to why I believe in what I do, but the truth is my story began with nothing more than the desire to change. I was diagnosed with depression when I was 14 years old and spent the rest of my formative years trying to grasp what that meant. I went through years of therapy, countless self help books, and handfuls of medication in an attempt to silence the sadness. These things worked on the surface, but I eventually decided my mind wasn't the thing making me sad, the world was. To accept life in this way from such an early age greatly impacted me, but I will save you the sob story, as I'm sure you know what depression is capable of. After years of looming darkness I grew sick of myself and decided something had to change. This is when I began forging the path to my soul. 

    I spent the next few years embarking on the journey of self discovery. I began researching different spiritual paths and practicing what aligned with me. Through these practices I gained a new sense of understanding for myself but could still only relate to the outside world based on mutual suffering. 

    One day, I came across an article about Archangels and noticed that one of them was called Gabriel. This immediately peaked my interest because my name is Gabrielle. Among the archangels another name stood out to me and it was Michael. Upon further investigation I learned that Gabriel was considered the "messenger angel" while Michael was considered the "warrior angel". Furthermore, the article stated that getting an angel to help you was pretty simple you just had to reach out to them. As someone who had tried just about every avenue of healing, why wouldn't I try a little divine intervention?

    So, I asked Archangel Michael to protect me and I asked Archangel Gabriel to send my prayers to heaven. This felt absurd in the beginning but shortly after reaching out to these two beings, my life underwent rapid and complete change. I transformed from someone walking around with a catastrophic emptiness into someone who felt they were quite literally overflowing with light. To say I was happy would be an understatement- I was experiencing peace, gratitude, acceptance, love, and bliss. I was experiencing God

    Now, as someone with a background in Psychology I recognize how delusional this might sound, so I'd like to discuss my outward transformation as well.  Externally, I went from a jobless college dropout who lived with her parents to a highly motivated woman that has manifested the life of her dreams. In less than a year I moved to a brand-new city, returned to school, began my career, found a dozen new hobbies, and created friendships to last a lifetime. In no way am I trying to brag or invite judgment of my past self, I just want this to serve as an example of how immediate angels can act. I spent two decades drowning in my depression and in a matter of months their guidance pulled me out and shot me into abundance. 

    I am not alone in my experience and have discovered countless individuals with similar stories since I began sharing mine. There is no special characteristic one must possess in order to work with angels, they will accept you as you accept them.

So, what are angels and why should you care?

    In my own words, they are beings of divine love, light, and fire that act as anything from celestial guides to heavenly protectors to God's couriers. They exist in the heavenly realms to be of service to God and they manifest in our realm to be of service to humans. Angels are whatever you need them to be, you just have to ask. 



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