
A Continuation Of my Journey...

       Family picture of my mom, brother and me to put a face to the blog. :)      As the semester comes to a close, this will be my final post on this blog. First, I want to thank everyone who took the time to read Divinity Daily, even if it was just one post! I have enjoyed creating this blog, sharing my journey, and furthering my knowledge more than I can even put into words. I never expected making a weekly post on a school blog to be so important for me, but I genuinely believe through sharing these parts of my life I have strengthened my connection to the divine and to myself. Although, this is the end for this blog, this will not be the end for my journey. I feel deeply inspired to continue writing about the angels and sharing my own experiences. As a result, I have started to share some of my work on my Instagram as well as my Tiktok, both of which are called Godsgroupie. If you are interested in following along, feel free to check those out. I...

My favorite resources!

       The Empyrean, Dante's The Divine Comedy, by Gustave Dore      While I love sharing everything I know about the divine, I wanted to include additional help so that you may continue your journey. Below is a list of resources, most of which I used to cross reference everything I spoke about on this blog. Additionally, some must be purchased but many of these are free, so happy learning! Books: 1. The Encyclopedia of Angels by Rosemary Ellen Guiley This is a wonderful book when wanting to understand specific terminology and background of the angels. Each page is packed full of valuable information, photographs, and references that can be easily understood. This would be a great read for someone curious about the divine who does not yet feel comfortable committing to the practice.  2. The Angel Bible by Hazel Raven This is essentially a pocket guide to everything you have ever wanted to know about angels. The book explains what angels are, offer...

Angel Numbers

       "Your truth is your path." -Kyle Gray     In order to understand angel numbers, I wanted to give some background as to why they are used so often to communicate with humans. For millenniums, numbers have been considered a way of understanding the universe. For instance, the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras believed that numbers held vibrations that correspond to musical notes! As a result, he created the first system of Numerology, and his teachings are still used by modern day numerologists. With that being said, the key difference between numerology is that it must be calculated while angel numbers are a result of divine inspiration.  Below I have created a list of meanings behind each number, but it is important to remember that this is meant to act as a guide, because there are an infinite amount of numbers to interpret. Additionally, if you repeatedly see a number that is several digits long it is best to break it down in...


     "Angels are the heartbeats of God" - Kyle Gray       Once you open yourself up to communicate with the angels, they will likely respond by sending signs that can be difficult to interpret without prior knowledge. As a result, I have created a list of the most common messages the divine sends to our world. Natural World Angels love sending messengers like animals and insects to remind us that they are near. This can manifest through repeatedly seeing the same creatures, seeing them in large groups, or having them become very drawn to you.  For instance, I have been seeing crows appear around me for weeks. It started with two cawing in the tree outside my house, then I went to work and there was one perched on the beam of the parking garage, finally I went for a walk in the park and there was an entire flock circling above me! Because this occurred several times, across multiple different settings, and with various birds I knew to interpret it...

How To Connect With Angels

    Abbott Handerson Thayer,  Angel,  Smithsonian American Art Museum “Those who are exploring their creativity in the world are ultimately exploring their relationship with all that is sacred.” - Gia Combs-Ramirez      Despite popular belief, connecting with angels is not complex and can be done by anyone. For this reason, I have compiled a list of ways to build a relationship with the divine that is powerful, easy, and safe for individuals on every step of their path. Prayer:      The definition of a prayer is "a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship." Keeping this in mind, it becomes evident that praying is quite casual and can be done anywhere- it is not confined to the pews of a church or the side of a bed. With that being said , the act of praying can be broken into two parts, ( 1) addressing the divine and (2) requesting help or expressing gratitude.   Furthermore, you d...


           Archangels are special in that they are the only angels who have their names actually listed in religious readings such as the Quran, Old Testament, and Torah making them somewhat familiar to most people . While that being said, it is important to remember that these angels cannot be defined by belief system alone because their energy expands across cultures and lenses.  Additionally, t he number of archangels tends to vary based on the scripture one chooses to read, however I will be listing the four most common angels mentioned in texts.  Archangel Michael:  Ruler of Fire, Protector, Archangel of the South  Archangel Michael is known as the angel of protection because he leads the army of God against the battle of evil. He is commonly associated with the element of fire, the color blue, and the South direction. He may be called upon to protect belongings and people from evil forces as well as one's own mind. Additionally, he...

Heavenly Hierarchies

      "Angels are the pattern through which divine power flows in order to manifest in all forms of creation." -Josephine Mccarthy       Each angel has a fascinating story and unique appearance that I am excited to share with you!       I refer to the hierarchy of angels most commonly seen when studying Angelology but there are infinite descriptions and orders of angels you might feel more aligned with so feel free to look into those.      In the Hierarchy, there are nine orders of angels all placed into three separate groups called the  highest order, middle order, and lowest order. Based on the names, it might seem as if one angel is more important than the other however they are actually separated based on their proximity to the heavenly realms; with the highest order being closest to God, the middle order existing between realms, and the lowest order working closest to Earth.  Highest Order: Seraphi...